How to Add a Course Update in Schoology


You can use Course Updates to create announcements in your course. Post updates in your course to quickly communicate brief messages for your students. When updates are posted, they appear in the Updates section and on each individual homepage of all members in your course.


You can use Course Updates to create announcements in your course. Post updates in your course to quickly communicate brief messages for your students. When updates are posted, they appear in the Updates section and on each individual homepage of all members in your course. 

1. Select your course from the Courses menu and then click Updates 

2. Add your update to the Rich Text Editor at the top of the screen and click Post

3. There are several options available for editing, formatting and sharing your updates:

A screenshot of a cell phone

Description automatically generated


To edit or delete an update after posting 

1. Hover your cursor over the update and click the gear icon  that appears next to the post. 

2.Select Edit or Delete 


Change an update to into an Announcement  

1. Next to the Post button, click on the plus sign 

2. Check the bell icon. This promotes the update to the top of the Updates page and to the top of the Course page until you remove the announcement from the top.