In Schoology, you can both send and receive messages from your teacher. This is a great way to ask questions about you class and assignments. There are two ways to message your teachers: from the top menu in Schoology, or through the teacher's profile.
Sending a Message from the Top Menu
First, click on the envelope symbol on the top right of Schoology:

Click New Message in the menu that opens up

Start typing in the teachers name in the To field. A list of users will automatically populate as you type and you can click on the teacher's name you want to message.

Type a subject and the message, and hit send to complete.
Sending a Message Through the Teacher's Profile
You can also send a message through a teacher's profile. To get to the Teacher's profile, in that teacher's class click "Members" on the left side. You should see a list of your fellow students, with your teacher's name at the top.

Click on the teacher's name to view their profile. In the profile, you can click "Message" to send the teacher a message.

This will open up the message box with your teachers name already filled in. Add a subject and a message and hit send.
Receiving a Message and Sending a Response
When you have received a message the envelope icon in the top menu will have a number appear. Click on the envelope icon to see who has sent recent messages, and then click a message to open and view the message
If you need to respond to the message, enter your response in the box provided.