You can create an interactive Discussion for your students. Each Discussion has threaded commenting that allows students to respond to any post by another student. These comments can also be moderated, which will require a Course Admin (the teacher) to approve each post before it is published. Deleted posts will are listed under Moderate Posts in the Course Options in the left column of the Course Profile.
To create a discussion, follow these steps:

1. Click Add Materials
2. Select Add Discussion.
3. Fill out the Discussion form

4. Options

- Use Individually Assign to only display the discussion to a specific member of a course or a grading group.
- Add Learning Objectives to add a custom learning objective, common core, or state standard. Once you have aligned your material with learning objectives, use the Mastery tool to track your students' progress.
- Lock prevents students from posting in the discussion. You may want to lock the discussion after the due date has passed.
- Published enables you to display or hide the discussion from your students.
- Members can see other responses before participating: You can decide if students are able to see their peers' responses before they post. If this is enabled, the other students' posts will be greyed out: You may choose this option to encourage originality in your students' posts.

- Shared Discussion: Enables sharing the discussion with other courses. Shared discussions cannot be graded.
- Copy to Course: Click this to simultaneously create this discussion in another section you administer
5. Click Create to complete.
Note: Discussions can also be created within course folders, or added to folders after their creation.