To create an assignment, use the Add Materials button at the top of your Course Materials page. You can also access the Add Materials button from within a folder.

1. Click Add Materials
2. Select Add Assignment
3. Fill out the Create Assignment form

- Enter a Description. Here, you can enter directions your students will need to complete the assignment
- Set a Due Date to place the assignment in the Course Calendar and Upcoming area.This will also enable Overdue Notification if a student fails to submit the assignment by the due date.
- Select a Grading Category from the drop down. If you do not select a grading category, it will default to Ungraded, and will not appear in your gradebook.
- Select a Scale or Rubric from the drop down menu. To learn more about grading scales and rubrics, see our article on Setting Up Your Gradebook.

Use Options to turn on/off the following features:
- Use Individually Assign to only display the assignment to a specific member of the course or a grading group.
- Align Learning Objectives to add a custom learning objective, common core, or state standard.
- Lock prevents students from making submissions. You may want to lock the assignment after the due date has passed.
- Enable Submissions: Click the dropbox icon to provide an area for students to submit work. You can opt to disable submissions if the assignment does not require something in return from the student - for example, reading homework.
- Published to student: opt to show or hide the assignment from the student view.
- Grade Statistics displays the statistics for the assignments to students, which is located in an icon above assignment submissions.
- Enable Comments: This allows students to comment on the assignment.
- Copy to Courses: Copy the assignment with the current settings and options to another course.
- Click Create to complete.