Assessment Toolbar Settings


Additionally, you can enable one or more of a set of Advanced Assessment Tools for students from this area.


Additionally, you can enable one or more of a set of Advanced Assessment Tools for students from this area.

  • Students can flag questions for review — Helps students remember which questions they want to go back to while taking a test.
  • Students can eliminate answer choices — Students use the eliminator tool to rule out incorrect answers on the way to finding the correct one.
  • Students can use a calculator during attempt — Students can use a built-in basic or scientific calculator while taking an assessment.
  • Students can use a ruler during attempt — Students can use a built-in ruler (6 inches or 15 centimeters) while taking an assessment.
  • Students can use a protractor during attempt — Students can use a built-in protractor while taking an assessment.
  • Students can use text to speech toolbar with screen masking during attempt — Students can use Text to Speech function and Line Reader/Screen Masking.
  • Students can highlight text — Students can select text within the assessment and highlight in multiple colors. Learn more about text highlighting in assessments.
  • Students can use a notepad — Students use the notepad tool to take notes during an attempt. Learn more about notepad in assessments.

To enable a calculator, ruler, or protractor for a specific question, rather than the entire assessment, see Question-level Assessment Tools.

Student Settings

  • Allow students to view results after an attempt is submitted: Choose an option from the drop down menu:
  • No: Students may not view the results of their assessment after completion.
  • Yes: Students may view their assessment results after completion, including the list of answer choices with the student's selected answer highlighted. 
  • Yes with correct answers: Students may view their assessment results after completion, including the answer they selected and the correct answers.
  • Number of attempts a student can submit: Select from the drop down how many times students may attempt the assessment.
  • Final grade is determined by: When students can submit to the assessment more than once, select whether their highest grade or last grade should be used to calculate gradebook points.

Note: You can make changes to these settings at any time and they will apply to all assessment attempts–past, in progress, and future. For example, you want students to see the correct answers for an assessment, but only after all students in all your sections have completed the assessment. You set Allow students to view results after an attempt is submitted to No while students are submitting attempts. Then, after all students have submitted and you've graded everyone, you change the setting to Yes with correct answers. Students are now able to view the results of their assessment attempt with correct answers visible.

Click Save at the bottom of the page to save your Assessment Setup settings.