Assessment Questions for Schoology Assessments


You can create an assessment in Schoology, this article addresses the questions and question types you can add to your assessment. You can add content and control settings for each question in the assessment question builder screens.


Add questions to your assessment from the Questions area. You can add content and control settings for each question in the assessment question builder screens.

Note: There is a limit of 200 questions per assessment.


Create Assessment Questions

To create questions:

  1. Click a question type from the left menu. Visit the Assessment Question Type section in the Schoology Help Center for detailed information about each question type.
  2. Fill out the Question Setup and Correct Answer Setup fields.
  3. Optional: Enter Author Notes to explain why certain choices are incorrect, or why you chose to allocate a certain percentage of possible points to alternate answers. This information will not display to students.
  4. Optional: Add a Learning Objective to the question.
  5. Click Save to complete.


Add Questions from an Item Bank to an Assessment

Once you have an item bank in Schoology, you can build assessments with items from the banks. You can add individual questions from an item bank, or you can add a randomized block of items from one or more item banks when you create your assessment.

Learn more about Item Banks for Course Assessments here

Note: Questions added to assessments from item banks are copied, not linked. Any changes made to questions within item banks do not update the copies in assessments.

To add individual questions from item banks to an assessment:

  1. In your course, create an assessment or select the name of the assessment into which you'd like to add items.
  2. In the Questions area, click Add From Item Bank.
  3. Navigate to the item bank you would like to import items from.
  4. Check the box next to each item you'd like to import. Use the Select all option to add all items.
  5. Enter the Set Points for each item. If none is set, it defaults to 1.
  6. Selected items are highlighted at the bottom for ease of reference. Use the links at the top to explore multiple item banks and select items from several banks.
  7. Once you are finished selecting items, click Add Items.
  8. To reorder items, drag and drop any item to the desired order.

To add a random selection of items from one or more item banks to an assessment:

  1. In your course, create an assessment or select the name of the assessment into which you'd like to add items.
  2. In the Questions area, click Add from Item Bank.
  3. Navigate to the item bank you would like to import items from.
  4. Click Add Randomized Items.
  5. In the Add Randomized Items window, enter:
    • The number of items that you want to generate from the bank.
    • How many points each item is worth.
  6. Click Add Items.
  7. Selected items are highlighted at the bottom for ease of reference. Use the links at the top to explore multiple item banks and select additional randomized items from several banks.
    • Once you select randomized items, you cannot add individual questions in the same selection sequence. If you need to select additional individual items, complete the steps to add randomized items and then follow the steps above to add individual questions from an item bank.
    • You may add both randomized items and individual items from the same item bank. Items that have been individually added to the assessment will not be included in the randomized set of items. 
  8. Click Add Items to complete. Each set of randomized items is displayed as a single block in the Questions area.

Each assessment will contain the determined number of items from the selected item bank(s). Each student in the course receives a unique set of items. Even if students receive a few of the same items, they will appear in a different order, so no assessment is alike. This is helpful in maintaining the validity of your assessment results.