Finding Archived Courses and Saving them to Resources in Schoology


In this article you will learn how to:

How to View Archived Courses
How You Can Save Your Resources
To save a course to Resources
How to Add Resources to your new Course


How to View Archived Courses 

  1. Click Courses at the top of the page. 

  1. Click My Courses on the right. 

  1. From the My Courses area, click Archived to view past courses. 



How You Can Save Your Resources 

You can save your archived course to your Resources and reuse the same materials for the next school year, in a new course with new students and a new grading period. 

Tip: Create Collections in your Resources before you save course materials. 

To create a Collection: 

  1. Click Resources in the header. 

  1. Click the file cabinet icon in the left-hand column to create a new Collection. 


To save a course to Resources: 

  1. Go to the archived course

  1. Navigate to the Materials page. 

  1. Click Options. 

  1. Select Save to Resources. 

Note: When you save a course to Resources, the following items will not copy: 

  • Student information. 

  • Student submissions. 

  • Google Drive Assignments attachments. 

  • OneDrive Assignments attachments. 



How to Add Resources to your new Course 

When your new courses are created for the new school year, you can follow these steps to add all your saved materials to your course: 

  1. Click Materials in the left menu of the course. 

  1. Click Add Materials. 

  1. Select Import from Resources from the drop-down menu. 

  1. Select the Resource Collection that contains the course content. 

  1. Check the box to select all items and folders or select specific items and folders for import. 

  1. Click Import to complete. 
