Parent accounts can elect to receive two email digests of their children's activities. This article covers how to manage those emails and what information they include.
Managing Your Email Digest Settings
To manage email digest settings in your parent account:
- After Logging into Schoology, click on your name in the top right corner of the Schoology page
- Select a child from the list that appears in the drop-down menu.
- Once you're viewing the child's account, select their name in the upper right hand corner and select "Settings":

- From the Notifications tab, you can elect to receive one or both of two email summaries:
- To receive the Parent Email Digest, select On in your Email Summary menu.
- You can receive emails on a Daily or Weekly basis. If you choose Daily, you may set a time at which the notification will be sent to your inbox.
- If you choose Weekly, you'll have an additional option to select the day of the week you'd like to receive the email.
- To receive the Overdue Submissions Email, select On in the Email Notification menu.
- Click Save Changes to update your settings.
What Do the Emails Look Like?
The Parent Email Digest contains an Academic summary for the child, including:
- The child's current grading period grade for each course.
- A summary of marked attendance (late, absent, excused).
- Overdue Submissions, including the original due date, assigment title, and course
- Overdue notifications cannot be removed by parents. Overdue notifications are only removed when:
- Overdue items marked as Excused or Missing are not included in Overdue Submissions.:
- Recent activity, including:
- The student's posts and updates in courses, assignments, tests/quizzes, and discussions.
- Recent submissions for assignments and tests/quizzes.
The digest includes up to five Summary items and up to ten Recent Activity items. To view more items than appears in the list, click the More option at the bottom of each area. If you have more than one child association, scroll down to can view the Summary and Recent Activity for additional children.
You will receive one Overdue Notifications email for each time that your child fails to submit an item on time. You receive only one notification per late material regardless of how long it remains unsubmitted.