Set the School
In PowerTeacher, click the ‘School’ link at the top right-hand corner of the start page and select your school. For this example, we will use ‘Night School’

Navigate to the Attendance Page
Click ‘Attendance’ from the upper left navigation menu under ‘Functions’

Attendance Submission Status
Click the ‘Teacher Attendance submission Status’ link in the middle of the page under ‘Function’

Viewing the Report
On the ‘Teacher Attendance Status’ page, the report defaults to the current date. It can be changed using the calendar icon. Once you have the desired date you wish to pull the attendance submission report for, click ‘Submit’ on the right of the page.

- Red indicates that the teacher submitted no attendance
- Yellow indicates the teacher’s attendance submission is incomplete
- Green indicates the attendance is complete for the selected date
- Click a name to view the section(s) a teacher submitted attendance for