Search Terms in Powerschool


This article describes how to search for different groups of students from the PowerSchool start page.


The following are the most common symbols you will use in Search statements:


What it Means

What it Does



Finds Exact Match

Is Less Than

Finds all matches less than the value you enter

Is Greater Than

Finds all matches greater than the value you enter


Is Less Than or Equal to

Finds all matches less than or equal to the value you enter


Is Greater Than or Equal to

Finds all matches greater than or equal to the value you enter


Does Not Equal

Finds everything that does not match what you entered


One of these values is in present in the field

Finds all matches that contain one of the items you entered


Value is contained in the field

Finds all matches anywhere in the field


Value is not contained in the field

Excludes matches to what you typed in



Fills in unknown information in the search


Includes Active and Inactive

Finds matches that include active and inactive


Below are some examples of searches using the above symbols and common requests.  You can find many other field names by clicking on “View Field List” located at end of Search box on Start Page:

Trying To Find

Here's the Search

What the search is asking PowerSchool

Address: All students living on a particular street

Mailing_Street contains Maple St@

Give me students whose street contains "Maple St" (e.g., Maple St, Maple Street)

Address: All students with Street name of Maple

Mailing_Street contains Maple

Give me students whose street contains “Maple” (e.g., Mapledell St, Maple Terr, etc.)

Birthday: Birthday is today

*Birthday = today

Give me all the students whose birthday is today

Birthday: Birthdays in October

*Birthday >09/30;*Birthday<11/01

Give me all the students whose birthday is after Sept 30 but before Nov 1st

Enrollment: Active Students who Entered after October I

Entrydate >= 10/01/2022

Give me students whose Entry date is greater than or equal to 10/1 and are still enrolled

Grade: All students in gr. K-5, not PreK

Grade_Level <6; Grade_Level >=0

Give me students in grades less than 6, and grades greater than or equal to kindergarten

Grade: All students in Gr. 9 and 10

Grade_Level in 9,10

Give me all students in grade levels 9 and 10

Grade: Students in Grade 7

Click 7 under search box

Give me all the students in Grade 7

Guardian: All students with Guardian Alert


Give me the students who has a guardian alert that is not blank

Medical: All students with Medical Alert


Give me the students who has a medical alert that is not blank

Name: All students with first name of John

First_Name = John

Give me the students with John as first name

Name: Last names starting with T

Click T under search box

Give me all the students with last name starting with 'T'

Name: Student named John Smith

Smith, John

Give me all the students named John as First Name and Smith as last

Parents: All students whose Father's Name is Smith

Father contains Smith

Give me the students whose Father's Name contains Smith

Parents: All students whose Mother's Name is Michele

Mother contains Michele

Give me the students whose Mother's Name contains Michele

Parents: All students whose Parent Guardian name starts with Maria

ParentGuardian = Maria@

Give me students whose Parent Guardian name starts With Maria

Phone: Students with a particular phone number

Home_Phone = @123-4567

Give me students who have this number and include those with area codes.

Schedule: Students with no schedule


Give me all the students who are not enrolled in a class

If you did not get the results you expected you may have:

  • Misspelled the field name.  In most cases, field names are not case sensitive but misspelling and incorrect punctuation will give you 0 results.
  • Selected the incorrect field name.  Create a Service Desk ticket to confirm field name.  Some fields are not currently being used.
  • Searched the incorrect value.  Check PowerSchool to see how the field is displayed (eg. Not 1, 01)








Article ID: 157226
Fri 7/28/23 10:24 AM
Wed 8/21/24 6:07 PM