If students have been dropped from a course in Power School, there are two ways to find their grades from the course in PowerTeacher Pro.
If you are looking for the grades for one specific student, click "Students" in the left hand navigation menu. On the top right, above the list of students and the search bar, you will see "Show Dropped." Click that, and a list of all dropped students will display.

Select the student name you are looking for, and you will be brought to the page for that student. To navigate between the different information pages for the student, click the drop down next to the students name on the top left, and select the page you are looking for. This drop down menu will also allow you to switch between the different dropped students in the course.

If you want to view the grades of all dropped students at once, it is often easier to print them out in a report. To do this, navigate to "Reports" in the left navigation menu. If you are just looking for final grades, you can select the "Final Grades" report. If you want assignment grades, select the "Scoresheet" report.
No mater which report you are using, in the report menu select the "Students" tab. One there, check the "Include Dropped Students" button. This will show all dropped students in the list of students. You can either print out the report for all of the students, or just select the dropped students using the "Add/Remove Students" option.

Once done, adjust any final settings in the "Criteria" and "Format" tab, and then hit "Run Report". The report will appear under the "Report Queue", which you can find under "Reports" in the left hand navigation menu.