PowerSchool Student Enrollment and Attendance


This page contains FAQ's for enrollment and attendance actions for students in PowerSchool. This content applies to those in all role(s) who bring students in from find assigned, enroll in classes, take attendance, or transfer out of school.


FAQs: Attendance and Enrollment in PowerSchool

Please see the attached slides for more detailed information and instructional steps for the following. 

Do you need written confirmation of a transfer before transferring out?  Yes – If you get information orally, confirm in writing with the receiving school.   Secondary: If you do not have written confirmation of where the student is being educated, use the drop out exit code (36).  This is detailed in the DESE attendance policy. 

Do you need an N1 form before transferring out?  Before transferring out SPED students of any grade level, you must mail an N1 form to the family.  The N1 form allows the family to choose to have SPED services delivered at home even though a student is not enrolled.  The parents can also sign off indicating that they don’t want SPED services delivered. See your ETL for questions.  

Where do I record absenteeism interventions taken in PowerSchool?  All interventions/supports regarding chronic absenteeism must be documented in SSP. For situations where families need to be taken to court, accurate documentation of each absence and any communications with the family are essential.  

How to enter attendance intervention actions in SSP 

Do you keep an intervention entered in SSP Open or Close it?  Keep it open as an aid to the Attendance Office.  Create Service Desk Ticket if you need a closed entry opened to edit. 

What is the cut-off time for early dismissal?  A dismissal code (D) is used when a student is absent for less than ½ the day.  D (dismissal) is counted as present.  The early dismissal cut-off time depends on the start time for your school. If the student is absent for more than half the day, use the (M) attendance code to be counted as an absence. If marking a (D), note the dismissal time in the comment box. 

What entry code do we use when enrolling students new to the country?  E1 is new to country or 1st time in US schools (eg K or PreK), E2 is new to the state.  The most used entry code is R2 – ReEntry from same district when the student is coming from another Springfield school. 

How do I handle a student in my Find Assigned who did not come to my school? Students should not remain in Find Assigned for an extended period of time. If you do not immediately enroll students in Find Assigned, you are responsible for following up to determine next steps for the student. The school is responsible for following up with the family to determine where the student is being educated. Work with your attendance specialist after documenting phone calls, letters, home visits etc.  

