Law Ethics Assessment: How to Enable Flash within Google Chrome to Complete Conflict of Interest Law Ethics Assessment


How to enable Flash within Google Chrome to complete Conflict of Interest Law Ethics assessment.


How to Enable Flash within Google Chrome to Complete Conflict of Interest Law Ethics Assessment



In order to complete the Conflict of Interest Law Ethics Assessment, you will need to enable Flash within Google Chrome.


Launch the Google Chrome Browser

Navigate to your Windows 10 desktop and double-click the Google Chrome icon to launch the program.

Within the address bar, type in and hit the Enter key to proceed to the Conflict of Interest Law Ethics Assessment.


Enable Flash within Google Chrome

Once the Conflict of Interest Law Ethics Assessment website loads, you will notice a Plugin blocked warning appear within the address bar of Google Chrome; hovering over the icon with your cursor will display Flash was blocked on this page.

By clicking the warning message, you will be presented with more options.

Click the Manage button within the dialog window to continue.

Under the Flash subsection within settings in Google Chrome (chrome://settings/content/flash), click the toggle to enable the Ask first setting.

You can now close the the settings page.  


Return to the Conflict of Interest Law Ethics Assessment Website

Head back to the tab within Google Chrome where you first accessed the Conflict of Interest Law Ethics Assessment website.

While on the website, you will notice a small gray Flash icon representing a disabled Flash module; click the Flash icon to continue.

Within the Flash dialog window, click the Allow button to enable and run the flash module.


All Set!

Functionality will return to the website and you can begin your Conflict of Interest Law Ethics Assessment.



Article ID: 87058
Mon 9/16/19 10:41 AM
Tue 3/24/20 11:31 AM