How to Set Up a Zoom Meeting and Transfer a Host Key (Pro Users)
Sign into Zoom Video Conferencing
Once the Zoom website launches, click the blue Sign In button at the top of the browser window.
Schedule a Meeting
To schedule a meeting, click the SCHEDULE A MEETING button at the top of the Zoom homepage.
The SPS IT Department recommends that all Zoom meetings require a password to prevent unauthorized access. It is recommended you recreate any meetings with the password setting enabled.
Schedule a Meeting > Meeting Configuration Settings
Topic > Give your meeting a name.
Description (optional) > Give your meeting a description.
When > Establish the date and time of your meeting.
Duration > How long do you wish your meeting to run.
Time Zone
Recurring Meeting > Check this option off if you want the meeting to be scheduled on a recurring basis.
Registration > Check this option off if you require user registration. This option will also enable the Meeting Password option.
Meeting ID > Set this to either automatically generate an ID or use your own Personal Meeting ID
Meeting Password > The SPS IT Department recommends that all Zoom meetings require a password to prevent unauthorized access. It is recommended you recreate any meetings with the password setting enabled. Zoom is in the process of making passwords for meetings mandatory, however, the update has not been released.
Video > Options for the host and participants to turn on or off their video feeds within the meeting.
Audio > Options for using telephone, computer audio or both.
Meeting Options >
Enable join before host
Mute participants upon entry
Enable waiting room
Only authenticated users can join
Record the meeting automatically
After you're done configuring your meeting space, click the Save button to continue.
Once your meeting configuration is saved, you'll will be sent to the My Meetings landing page where your newly created meeting will be available.
Here you can review your meeting configuration and make any last minute changes using the Edit this Meeting button found at the bottom of the page.
When the meeting is ready to be launched, click the Start this Meeting button found at either the top or bottom of the page.
The meeting will launch!
Once the meeting is launched, either use the Zoom client application or the Zoom website to participate in the meeting.
Personal Meeting Room
Your Personal Meeting Room is the virtual meeting room that is permanently reserved for you. You can start an instant meeting there at any time, or schedule it for future use.
The Personal Meeting ID (PMI) and the Personal Link are the two ways to access this room.
Access your Personal Meeting Room by clicking the MY ACCOUNT button.
Then, from the menu on the left, click the Meetings tab.
Finally, click Personal Meeting Room from the navigation links on the top of the Meetings landing page.
Your Personal Meeting Room settings will now be displayed for you.
If you need to edit any of your Personal Meeting Room settings, click the Edit this Meeting button at the bottom of the page.
Personal Meeting Room > Meeting Configuration Settings
Topic > You cannot edit your Personal Meeting Room name.
Time > Add the meeting to your Google Calendar, Outlook Calendar, or Yahoo Calendar.

Personal Meeting ID > Change your Personal Meeting ID if needed.
Meeting Password > Check off to require a meeting password.
Join URL > Copy and send to others for access to your Personal Meeting Room.
Video > Options for the host and participants to turn on or off their video feeds within the meeting.
Audio > Options for using telephone, computer audio or both.
Meeting Options >
Enable join before host
Mute participants upon entry
Enable waiting room
Only authenticated users can join
Record the meeting automatically
After you're done configuring your meeting space, click the Save button to continue.
When the meeting is ready to be launched, click the Start this Meeting button found at either the top or bottom of the page.
The meeting will launch!
How to Claim a Meeting as a Host
In order to claim a meeting room as host, the original host cannot be participating in the meeting! If the original host is participating, the Claim Host button will not appear!
A host key is required to claim a meeting within Zoom and only licensed accounts have the ability to to use a host key!
To claim a meeting as host, you must first join a scheduled meeting that is currently in progress.
Once you have joined the meeting, click the Participants button at the bottom of the meeting space; a Participants dialog window will appear on the right.
At the bottom of the Participants dialog window, click the Claim Host button to begin the claiming process.
Next, within the Claim Host dialog window, enter in the required host key.
Once the host key is entered, click the blue Claim Host button.
The host key will now be verified, and if correct, you'll be granted the host role.
Confirming the Host Role
To confirm your host role, again click the Participants button.
Next to your name within the list of participants, you will see (Host, me) next to your name.
Transfer the Host Role while in a Meeting
Click the Participants button at the bottom of the meeting window.
Within the Participants list, highlight the participant you wish to transfer the host role to and click the blue More > button.
Click the Make Host option from the menu to continue...
With the Do you want to change the host to .......? dialog window, click the Yes button to complete the host transfer.
All set!