How do I login to my school website?


This article explains how an administrator will log into their schools website.


Note: As a prequisite you must have first been granted access by IT. Please submit a ticket here if you have not previously been granted access.

  1. Navigate to your schools website. Click at the end of the website address as shown below until your cursor appears at the end of the address.

  2. Type /administrate at the end of the website address and once complete press Enter on your keyboard.

  3. You should now see the login page for your site. Enter your SPS Username and Password and click Login.

    Note: If you are unsuccessful please submit a ticket here.

  4. You may receive the error "Sorry, the page you requested cannot be found." after logging in. Click on the SPS logo to be redirected to the home page.

  5. You should now have the edit toolbar available to begin updating the website.



Article ID: 95255
Mon 1/6/20 1:31 PM
Sun 11/6/22 11:49 AM