Locate the Student
Go to the Start Page, type student ID or last name in the search box to find the student. If the student is inactive use the "/" operator before the student's ID e.g. "/12345".
Alternatively, enter the student ID or name up on the top search bar from any page.
Select Print Reports from the dropdown list by clicking the arrow below the search bar on the right

On Print Reports - Select the transcript
- From the "Which report would you like to print" dropdown select "HS Transcript"
- Click Submit
On Report Queue
- In the top right, you will find your "Report Queue" where you will find this new report pictured below:

- Report will be shown as status "Running"
- Click "Refresh" at the top right side of page. This may take a few minutes and multiple tries until the status shows complete
- Once completed, select "View" on the far right of the screen to display the report
- From here you can print or download report as needed