Locate the Student
Go to Start Page, in the school the student is enrolled, type student ID or last name in the search box to find the student
Select 'Behavior' on the Left Navigation > Click Log Entries
On Log Entries - Select New Discipline Entry
- Complete all required fields
-"Offense/Reported by" select G3 - Fighting and include the name of the individual who reported the incident
- As you are adding data new tabs will be added to the form based on your selections. All tabs must be completed, completion is indicated with a green check mark on the tab. In a fight the tabs required are SSDR Offense, SSDR Discipline, SSDR Victims/Offenders.
- moving to the SSDR Offense tab click "Auto Generate Incident Number" this generates the incident number that is assigned to this entry.
- moving to the SSDR Discipline tab. Number of school days missed due to discipline is required. Note: any days a student is not in their regular physical classroom, counts as a missed day due to discipline.
- moving to the SSDR Victims/Offenders. Note: in a fight there must be at least 2 offenders, there will be no victims in a fight.
- once there is a green check mark on each tab, click "Submit"

- you will be taken to the "Log Entries" page and your entry will be displayed.