Assign A Different Teacher to a Section

Assign a different teacher to a Classroom in PowerSchool. This information is helpful to schedule a teacher that was scheduled as a Temp Teacher or when one teacher takes over for another teacher.  Once the new teacher is updated in the class/section, access to other resources, e.g., Schoology and i-Ready, are enabled.

Locate the Section for the teacher you wish to update (People > Staff > Teacher Schedule)
-Select the TempTeacher or other staff member currently assigned to the class 

-Click on Section Number you wish to update.

Assign the new teacher to the class section
- Locate the Teachers – Section Lead section of the page
- Click in Name Space of previous teacher
- Choose the new teacher’s name from the dropdown list
- Set the start and end date for the assignment (typically this would be the first and last day of school)
- Press submit

Repeat above process in Teachers/Staff - Additional for any co-teachers that will need access to grades and attendance.

The completed lead teacher classroom assignment should look like the example below.

Note:   If the Lead teacher left during the school year, update the End Date and click the 'Add' button.   

             Update the Staff Name, Roll, Etc.  The new lead teacher will start the day following the original teacher's End Date.

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Article ID: 116118
Mon 9/14/20 10:40 AM
Fri 8/2/24 4:13 PM