PowerSchool Summer School Student Registration
Procedures for registering a student for summer school
Summer School Registration
Follow the steps below to register a student for the summer programs offered at your school.
NOTE: This procedure is done at the student’s home school
Step 1: In your Home School within PowerSchool, select a student to register via one of the search bars.
Step 2: On the left hand navigation pane, click Courses and Programs, then Remote and Summer School Registration.

Step 3: Choose one of the available summer school options from the section highlighted in green.
Please Note: You can only schedule a student for one section per submit. Registering a student for multiple sections will require multiple submits!

NOTE: The section list will be pre-populated for you. Do not change these values
If you need a course that does not appear in the list, open a ticket to have the course option added
Step 4 : Press submit.
This individual summer school registration is complete.

NOTE: You can choose another class for this student and submit again or return to Step 1 to register another student.
Early Start Registration
Follow the steps below to register an incoming student for Early Start
Step 1: In PowerSchool, click the Early Start Registration link on the SPS Options section at the bottom of the Start Page

NOTE: This procedure is done at the receiving school
Step 2: Locate your student on the list if incoming students, click Register

NOTE: In the section highlighted in blue, students you have already registered will labeled at the top of the page
Step 3: Select the Early Start option and press submit to complete the Early Start registration

NOTE: The section in blue will be pre-populated for you. Do not change these values.
Step 4: Click the Early Start Registration breadcrumb at the top of the page to return to your list of incoming students.

Summer School Registration FAQ
- What are the summer program abbreviations that PowerSchool uses?
The table below shows the summer program name and its corresponding abbreviation.
Program Abbreviation
Program Name
CCR @ School Name
Course and Credit Recovery
MLL program
ES @ School Name
Early Start & Summer Enrichment & Summer Exploration
SS @ School Name
Summer Scholars
- How do I view the classes a student has been registered for?
Once a student is registered, view their classes by clicking the Quick Lookup Summer School tab on the Quick Lookup page.

- Why is the Quick Lookup Summer School tab missing for a student?
If the Quick Lookup Summer School tab is not showing, then that student has not been registered for a summer class.
- I registered a student for the wrong course, can I drop the student?
Classes can be dropped by the summer school coordinator or a counselor with access to summer school. Open a ticket if you need support with this.
- Why am I getting a message saying the student is already enrolled in the section?
Check Quick Lookup SUMMER to confirm that the student is already registered for that class.

- What can I do to register a student that is not in my Early Start list?
Open a ticket with support to check why a student is not available in the Early Start list of incoming students.
- What if I don’t see a course that is being offered at my school?
If you need a course that does not appear in the list, open a ticket to have the course option added.