Logging into the SPS Data Warehouse
The SPS Data Warehouse can be accessed from MySPS by clicking on “Applications” and then “SPS Data Warehouse.”

Log in using your SPS User ID and Password (same as email). Then Click OK.

The Teacher Dashboard
The Teacher Dashboard can be accessed directly from the Welcome tab by clicking “Teacher” in the Dashboards section.

- Basic Info: Student Name (note: clicking on a student’s name will open up their student dashboard), Student ID, Home Phone, Grade
- SPED Status, LEP Level
- Absence Count, Attendance Rate for current year
- DEWS Risk Level: Dropout Early Warning System (DEWS) risk levels are based on 5 academic and 5 non-academic indicators from the previous year that are used to determine a student’s estimated risk of dropping out. Risk levels are on a scale from 1 to 160 and grouped into 5 levels: Accelerated, On Track, Moderate Risk, High Risk, and Very High Risk.
- MCAS Scores: most recent ELA MCAS, Math MCAS, Science MCAS
- Grades: most recent marking period grade in the course referenced above the list (this course) and most recent marking period grades in ELA, Math, Science, and Social Studies
The Student Dashboard
The Student Dashboard can be accessed directly from the Welcome tab by clicking “Student” in the Dashboards section.

Running the Report:
- In the search box, type a name, part of a name, or a student number. Then hit “Enter” or click “Search.” Once a name or list of names appears to the right of the search box, click the circle to the left of the student you want.

Report Results:
- Basic Info: age, grade, phone, primary language, LEP Level, SPED status, DEWS risk level
- Attendance and Discipline: summary information for current and previous two years, five most recent attendance and discipline events
- Current Courses and Teachers
- Student Transcript: marking period grades for all courses taken in the district since 2007
- Assessments: MCAS (including appeals), Brightspace, ACCESS, ANet, SRI, F&P, KRA, and KMA
- Competency Determination Status (HS only): displays whether a student has met the CD in ELA, Math, and Science
- Student Support: all student support plans recorded in PowerSchool
- Anything blue and underlined is a hyperlink that will provide more detailed information. (For instance, clicking on an MCAS score will show the item analysis for that test.)
- Clicking on the “View Printable” link will download the dashboard to a printable pdf version.