Transfer Out of School from a School
WHEN TO TRANSFER A STUDENT: A student may be transferred out of school when a school has documentation of where the student moved or can provide evidence that the required measures were taken to find student and or offered other alternatives (ie. Adult Ed, SPS Alternative Programs). Students with special needs may choose to receive their SPED needs at home. There is a N1 form that needs to be signed indicating their refusal of this service.
If a student can't be found, you need to have completed all required phone calls, letters, home visits and registered mail and documented these efforts before transferring. Refer to the Attendance Policy and Enrollment/Exclusion Policy located on the MySPS >District Documents
DO NOT TRANSFER students that may not attend school but are educated by Springfield Public Schools. These students are not absent (POF) if they are educated.
- Students in hospitals, DYS, lockup or other institutions - educated by SPS staff
- Students that are ill or homebound and are tutored - SPS staff provides tutoring to these students
- SPED & Vocational Students that are educated or receive SPED services - Services are provided by SPS staff
STEP 1: Select Student to be Transferred
STEP 2: Click 'School Enrollment' and select 'Transfer Out of School' (located on Left Navigation).

STEP 3: On the Transfer Student Out page:
- "Exiting" is the option used in most circumstances. Student will be transferred as of the next school day.
- "No Show" is only used when a student was not enrolled in the district previously.
- "Summer Exit" is used only in Summer when student does not return after Summer Break
STEP 4: Determine the Exit Date and Transfer Date
- The Exit Date is the last date student was enrolled
- The Transfer date will be populated for you based on the option you selected above.
STEP 5: Choose Exit Code from drop down
- This will populate the SIMS Enroll Status for State Reporting.
- Codes 30 and higher are considered to be "Dropped Out" .
- Code 23-Home School requires a Home School application to be completed and approved.
- Greenfield Virtual School and Connections Academy (TECCA) are considered Public Schools (not home school).
STEP 6: Enter a Transfer Comment
- Indicate where the student has transferred to (city or name of school is helpful).
- This space will also contain the dates of any absences that occurred after the exit date. This attendance will be removed from the student record when the submit button is pushed. The notation on this page will remain.

STEP 7: Check Enrollment Policy Box
- Check the box if you have documentation on where the student moved to or the phone calls, letters, home visits and registered mail that is required by the attendance policy.
STEP 8: Review attendance in Comment box
- Check box to approve all attendance listed to be removed.
- If you feel that the student was still enrolled, you can change the exit date to incorporate the dates necessary.
- Both boxes must be checked to submit this page.

STEP 8: Click Submit button in bottom right corner.
- Both boxes must be checked to submit this page.
Students Transferring Into Another Springfield School
- Transfers to Another Springfield Public School are usually performed by Student Assignment Services. This enables tracking of enrollment counts and ensures addresses and guardianship information is documented appropriately.
- Transfers to Private or Charter Schools within Springfield can be completed by the school or by Student Assignment Services.