Summer School Transportation Requests
To notify the Transportation Services Office of those students who require summer transportation, schools must follow the procedure below. Spreadsheets and/or paper rosters will not be accepted. The Transportation Services Office is setup to receive this data automatically and electronically when this procedure is followed. It is recommended that schools enter their entire summer roster for those programs providing summer transportation.
NOTE: When requesting transportation for summer school, spreadsheets and paper rosters will not be accepted.
How to request summer school transportation:
- Locate and open the student's record in PowerSchool
- Click SPS then Summer Transportation (under Program Registration) on the left hand navigation pane.

- Click the New button

- Each summer school transportation request has seven (7) required fields. Fill in each field and press submit.
- Assignment Type: Select Summer School
- Why Assigned: Select the option corresponding to your summer program
- Grade Level: Select the student's current grade level
- Assignment Site: Choose the student's home school, not the physical location where the summer program will be held if different from the home school.
- Effective Date: The system will default this field to the current date
- Session ID: Select the session option corresponding with the days and times of your summer program
- Transportation Eligibility:Code: Select 00 for all students