Review and Return student work in Reading Progress

  1. Navigate to the desired class, then select the Assignments tab at the top of the page.
  2. Under Assigned select the assignment you're ready to review.
  3. Assignments are sorted by To Return and Returned.
  4. In Returned, select a student who has turned in their assignment. Their recording and the text they were assigned will open in your grading panel.
  5. Press Play on your student's recording to hear them read the passage.
  6. Mark and categorize student errors by selecting any word they misread. Use the drop down menu to mark words as correct or categorize an error. Reading Progress will collect and tabulate the errors in the Accuracy rate and Correct words per minute cards at the top of the review panel.

Error types include:

  • Omission: a word in the passage that the student skipped
  • Insertion: a word not written in the passage that a student added
  • Mispronunciation: a word that wasn't pronounced clearly or correctly
  • Repetition: a word that a student reads more than once
  • Self-Correction: when a student reads incorrectly, recognizes their mistake, and reads again correctly​
  1. If the student has added additional words, you can insert them in the body of text.
    1. Select the word closest to where you would like to insert text.
    2. Choose Edit text from the dropdown menu.
    3. Select where you would like to insert text, then type in what you heard the student say.
  2. To view the words the student practiced with Reading Coach, select Practiced words.
    1. Attempts shows how many times the student practiced, with stars to indicate how well they performed.
    2. Tools used indicates where students used tools to help them practice and which tools they used.
  3. Decide what you would like students to see in their report.
    1. Select Edit next to Return full report to student.
    2. Choose Full report to include the student's Correct words per minute and Accuracy rate, as well as their marked errors, or Simplified report to return just the color-coded mistakes.
    3. Select Custom report to select for yourself exactly which data points you'd like your students to see then select Save.
    4. Decide if you'd like this change to apply to future assignments or select Just this once.
    5. Select Save.
  4. Enter written feedback and points for the assignment, then select Return.
  5. Press the arrows next to your student's name to quickly navigate to the next student.​
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