A discipline entry will need to be entered for each incident that goes against the Springfield Public Schools' Code of Conduct. Reporting the behavior in PBIS/SWISS is not enough as SWISS does not communicate with PowerSchool. Each offender involved in the incident must have a Log Entry if a suspension was received or not. If more than one student was involved in the same incident, please copy the incident ID from the first student recorded and use the same id for all students associated to that incident. Please plan to complete all data entry by the close of the school year. Incidents that meet with state requirements will be reported in the School Safety and Discipline Report (SSDR).
Select Student and Scroll down to "Log Entries" on the left navigation

To Create a New Log Entry: Click New Discipline Entry
To Update an Existing Entry: Click Edit of the Entry you wish to update
SPS CODE OF CONDUCT TAB: Enter All Required Fields (indicated with *)

Offense Title: Describe Incident in a few short words (5 or less)
Offense/Reported By: Choose Offense Type from Drop Down and Staff who reported the Incident
Override: Choose Override to "YES" if you wish to minimize Discipline
Discipline/Administered by: Choose Discipline from Drop Down and Staff who Administered the discipline
The discipline displayed is the recommended protocol from the district code of conduct.
If Override is YES, then all discipline options are displayed.
Location: Choose Location where the incident occurred
Offense Description: Describe the incident in detail.
SSDR OFFENSE TAB: If more than one student is involved in incident, copy Incident ID and apply to all offenders involved.

Incident ID: Click Auto Generate Incident Number (Blue button). If more than one student was involved copy number from incident to link all students to same incident.
Physical Injury: Indicate if student was referred to doctor or hospital for treatment.
Submit at bottom of page
Look to see that you have green checks at top of tabs you have completed. You have completed all the required fields.
If student did not get suspended, then you are finished.
Did student get an In-School Suspension or Out of School Suspension? Then there are additional tabs to complete.

Start Date: Use Calendar to Choose Start date. Must be after Incident Date.
Number Days Missed: Indicate number of days student is out of regular scheduled classes due to this disciplinary action.
End Date: This field is greyed out and will be calculated for you based on Start Date, Days missed and school calendar.
This will automatically update if there is an unplanned close of school.
Education Services Provided: It is recommended to provide services.
Submit at bottom of page.

- Every box must be filled with a number.
- All incidents must have at least one offender.
- Some incident types have specific victim/offender counts
- Fights require more than one offender and only offenders. The number of victims in a fight should be 0.
- Both Assault and Battery require an offender(s) and victim(s)
Submit at bottom of page.
Do you have green checks on all tabs? Please go back and update any missing information.
Do you have questions? Please fill out a help desk ticket. If you prefer to discuss, please indicate on the ticket that you wish to be contacted about a discipline incident and wish to discuss details by phone, zoom etc.