Adding/Removing Teachers in Classwize

Tags Classwize

Follow these steps to manually add a new teacher to Classwize class sections.

1. Click the Gear icon on the class you would like to add a teacher to, and you will open the Class Settings window.

2. Click on the Teachers tab towards the center of the new window.


3. Enter the First and Last Name of the Teacher you are trying to add. You can also search for them using their email abbreviation (ex. minahanc)

4. Once you see the Teacher you are trying to add, click their name to add them to the list. Once they have been added you need to save at the bottom of the window.


Follow these steps to manually remove a teacher from Classwize class sections.

1. Click the Gear icon on the class you would like to remove a teacher from, and you will open the Class Settings window.

2. Click on the Teachers tab towards the center of the new window.

3. Find the Teacher you would like to remove from the list of teachers assigned to the Classwize course.

4. Click the Red X that is next to the Teacher you are trying to remove from the course, and then press Save.