Milestone Systems: How to Setup Private Views within Milestone Systems XProtect Smart Client

How to Setup Private Views within Milestone Systems XProtect Smart Client


Launch Milestone XProtect Smart Client 2020 R2

Navigate to your desktop and double-click the Milestone XProtect Smart Client 2020 R2 program; the Milestone program will now open.


Activate Setup Mode within Milestone XProtect Smart Client

Under the Views subsection within the left column, single-click to highlight the Private folder.

With the Private folder highlighted, click the Setup button at the top right-hand side of the Milestone XProtect Smart Client screen. 

Setup mode will be activated and the Setup button will turn orange.

The Views subsection will also be highlighted in orange once setup mode is active.

Under the Private folder, a new set of options will appear! You will be using these options to create your private views.


Setup Private Views within Milestone XProtect Smart Client

To begin setting up your private views, click the Create New Group icon within the options list.

A new group folder will appear below the Private folder. Give this new folder a custom name for easy identification.

Next, create a new view within your new group by clicking the Create New View icon within the options list.  

Highlight the camera ratio you require, and then pick the number of camera views needed.

You can pick one camera view or up to one hundred views!

After you select the amount of camera views needed, the main window within Milestone XProtect Smart Client will display a placeholder for your camera views. (Example: if you selected four cameras, the main window will display a placeholder for four camera views.)

Next, load the placeholders with camera views available to you.

Under the System Overview subsection within the left column, click the arrow next to SRV-CAMADMIN01 to drop down your available camera locations.

Single-click to highlight the camera view and drag it into your placeholder!

Your camera view placeholder will now update and display the chosen camera view.

Repeat this step to add other camera views!


Save your Private Views within Milestone XProtect Smart Client

Once your private views are ready to be saved, press the Setup button again to deactivate setup mode. 

Your private views are now saved and ready to view at any time.


Rename, Delete and Copy Views within Milestone XProtect Smart Client

To rename, delete, or copy views, press the Setup button to activate Setup mode.

Under the Private folder, multiple options will appear allowing you to modify your private views.

When you are finished with your changes, click the Setup button to deactivate Setup mode.


Need Additional Assistance with Private Views?

Please contact Safety and Security if you require additional assistance with private views.

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Article ID: 84319
Mon 8/5/19 8:09 AM
Tue 4/13/21 12:29 PM