Troubleshooting iReady Login
If you are not a Lead Teacher or Student (i.e. prinicpals, co-teacher, dean, etc.)
You must contact i-Ready support directly at 800-225-0248, or reach out directly to our Account Specialist, Sarah Cottrell, by email at or by phone at 319-499-4099.
New Staff Be Aware
Any new staff setup should expect a wait time of 24 to 48 hours for system availability.
Teachers can sign into iReady by clicking the iReady application link on the MySPS > Applications page. The ability to sign into iReady depends on having a schedule in PowerSchool.
You must use your standard SPS ID and Password. These are the same credentials you would use when logging onto the network or checking email.

Figure 1 (above): The iReady application icon is highlighted in green
If you cannot sign into iReady or if you do not see your classes in iReady:
Step 1: Confirm that you can sign into PowerTeacher and that you can see your assigned classes in PowerTeacher.
Step 2: What happened when you signed into PowerTeacher?
- I cannot sign into PowerTeacher.
Click here to send a support request to have your PowerTeacher account created. Once your PowerTeacher account is created, your school clerk will need to assign you your classes in PowerSchool.
- I successfully signed into PowerTeacher, but I see no classes.
Contact your school clerk or counselor responsible for scheduling and ask to have your classes assigned in PowerSchool. Once your classes have been assigned, you will be able to log into iReady the following school day.
- I successfully signed into PowerTeacher and I see my classes.
You are scheduled as a co-teacher. Contact your iReady Admin and ask to be added to a report group that contains the teacher / students you need or have one created for you.
If these measures do not resolve your issue please reopen this ticket within 2 business days