Scheduling Enroll A Student into a Section

Students can be enrolled into a Section/Class on an individual basis as needs change or as students move into our district.
REMINDER:  Do not enroll Kindergarten students into a section with another grade level.  Kinder students have standards based grading systems.  Their grades are different too.   Kinder students only have two marking periods whereas Grade 1-5 have 4 marking periods.
Locate the Student
Go to Start Page, type student ID or last name in the search box to find the student.
 Select Courses and Programs on the Left Navigation > Modify Course Schedule 
On Modify Schedule Page - Indicate Search Details
- update enrollment date if necessary
- Search Available Classes and click 'Find' for a list of classes meeting your criteria
          Click on blue link to enroll student into class
- Quick Enroll by carefully typing course.section number and click 'Enroll'
          Student will be enrolled into that class.
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