To mass enroll multiple students into a section you will need the following:
- Student Roster
- Course Number/Section Number
- Expression
- Teacher Name
Locate and Select Your Students
From the PowerSchool Homepage, select your student group (e.i individual students, Grade Level, etc.)
- click Select By Hand
- uncheck top box to the left of the "Student" header. This will uncheck all students
- only check the students on your roster (these are the students you want to enroll)
- click Update Selection - Only those selected will be in view
Choose the Section to enroll into
- Select Mass Register from Functions drop down list located to the right of "Select By Hand"

- Filter by Period/Expression, Term, Teacher Name, and Course Number
- Click onto the Course Name link of the course you are mass enrolling your students into
- Edit Entry Date if necessary
- Press Enroll Students