Assigning Dependent Sections in PowerSchool
Assigning dependent sections in PowerSchool allows the individual doing scheduling to create several courses that will be added to a student’s schedule at once. When the host section is added to a student’s schedule any dependent sections will also be added to that student’s schedule.
When Setting up Dependent Sections
To set up a dependent section you will need the following:
- Course Number/Section Number
- Sections must be created prior to adding a dependent section
Locate the host section in PowerSchool
On the Sections page in PowerSchool (Start Page Left Pane > School Management > Courses and Programs > Course Sections),
then open the section that you are assigning dependent sections to.
Add Dependent Sections
Open the section and in the field labeled Dependent Sections (course.section, course.section, etc.) enter the course number + . + section (0135004511.5,0202024211.5,0203002511.5) for all courses you wish to be linked.

-Click Submit
Note: no spaces or extra characters are allowed in this string