How do I reopen a closed ticket?


Option 1: Email

  1. Start by searching your inbox for the last email regarding your ticket.
  2. Once located click reply and respond to the email.

If your response is within 2 days of your ticket closing it will automatically reopen your ticket. Responses after 2 days will create a new associated ticket. 

Option 2: Service Desk

Please note tickets can only be reopened within 2 days of closing. After 2 days you must create a new ticket.

  1. Start by finding the ticket you would like to reopen.
  1. Click Select All from the Status Class drop-down to include all tickets or chose only Completed to view your closed tickets

  1. Select the title of the ticket you would like to reopen.

  1. After you have opened the ticket click on Comment.

4. Enter a comment in the box provided and click Save. Your ticket will be reopened, and a technician will get back to you.

If this does not address your issue, please try one of our other Knowledge Base articles and leave feedback below.