Before any videos that are created by a teacher can be placed within Schoology, they will need to be housed within a Microsoft Stream channel.
1. In the Stream navigation bar, go to Create > Create a channel.
2. In the Create Channel page, give a unique name and description for your channel. Channel names are limited to 30 characters. Channel descriptions are limited to 2,000 characters.
3. In the Channel access select company-wide channel. This will allow users to the ability to watch the video, embed the video within Schoology.
Note: You can't change the channel type after the channel is created.
4. Add a Custom channel image to make your channel look unique.
5. Press Create
- You can add videos to your channel
- You can also edit you channel's metadata so that your channel's information is accurate.
Please go to this article on how to upload a video into your channel.