Note: These instructions are for district unit assessment that are currently housed in Performance Matters. For other unit assessment housed in curriculum platform please see instruction provided by your ILS or academic directors.
Before completing the steps, if you have never accessed Performance Matters before, you will need to do so before attempting to follow the directions below. If you do not access Performance Matters first, you will see an error message when trying to access Common Assessment. To access Performance Matters, click on the app-switcher waffle
that can be found in the upper right-hand corner of the Schoology page.
To add Performance Matters Assessments:
- Click Add Materials and select Add Common Assessment.

Select the desired assessments from the dialog box. Click Preview if you wish to review an assessment before adding it to your course. This will open the assessment in a new tab and display it in the Performance Matters online assessment format.

- Click Add to Course to complete.
Note: Students will only see the assessment selected in the above work flow in Schoology.
- The assessment is unpublished by default. Click the gear icon to the right of the assessment and select Publish to make the assessment available to students: (Note: Publishing the assessment ahead of time will unlock the assessment for students. So it is recommended that you not publish until the actual day of test administration.)

- Click the gear icon to the right of the assessment and select Edit to make additional changes:
- Click Enable Grading to add a due date and other grading information to the assessment. This option enables the scores to be passed back to the Schoology gradebook.
- Points: Set the number of points the assessment is worth in the course Gradebook.
- Due Date: Set a due date to place the assessment in the course Calendar and Upcoming area.
- Category: Select a grading category from the drop-down menu.
- Scale: Select a grading scale.
- Period: Select a marking period.
- To individually assign the assessment to students, click the Individually Assign icon next to Options:
- Click Save Changes to confirm.
Instructors can grade any human-scorable items directly in Performance Matters. Instructions on how to score those items can be found in the Hand Scoring article.
Once all items have been scored, the overall score (point earned / points possible) is available in the Schoology gradebook. Scores for machine-scored assessments are available immediately in Schoology. Scores for manually-scored assessments are available in Schoology after approximately 15 minutes.