Legacy Student Contacts in PowerSchool

Tags Contacts

Legacy Student Contacts
A student's contacts are now managed the Contacts module of PowerSchool. Prior to this, student contacts were managed across different pages in PowerSchool.This legacy contact data was migrated into the new Contacts module, but a view-only copy of this legacy data has been made available for schools to use as a point-in-time historical reference.

Where to find a student's legacy contacts in PowerSchool
Legacy Contacts are found on the left-hand navigation of a student's PowerSchool record.This article explains the steps to navigate to a student's legacy contacts.

  1. Locate and open the student's record in PowerSchool
  2. Click the Legacy Contacts link on the left-hand navigation under the SPS section

On the left-hand navigation, click the Legacy Contacts link. The student's legacy contacts will display in the center-area under three sections. Expand each section to see the legacy contacts.

  • Legacy Contacts: Within this section, schools will see the legacy contacts 1-5
  • Legacy Emergency: Within this section, schools will see the legacy emergency contacts 1-3
  • Legacy Parent/Guardian: Within this section, schools will see the legacy Parents (Mother, Father, Guardian)

Legacy Student Contacts Image


Article ID: 136926
Thu 3/3/22 1:18 PM
Tue 3/29/22 9:37 AM