This article has has been created to assist schools on the best practice of adding or removing a contact association in PowerSchool.
This article describes how to add a new contact to display on the contact page. Only Non-custodial contacts can be added by a school. Custodial Contacts will need to be added by PACE. Please create a ticket for this task. The legacy data on the Emergency Page and Demographics pages will be locked and unable to change. They can only be viewed as a reference.
This article has has been created to assist schools on the best practice of designating an emergency contact in PowerSchool.
This article advises schools on the best practices for updating and maintaining guardian contact information. Only Non-custodial contacts can be added by a school. Custodial Contacts will need to be added by PACE. Please create a ticket for this task. The legacy data on the Emergency Page and Demographics pages will be locked and unable to change. They can only be viewed as a reference.
This article describes how to add, edit and remove an email address from a Student Contact. Only Non-custodial contacts can be added by a school. Custodial Contacts will need to be added by PACE. Please create a ticket for this task. The Legacy Data on the Emergency Page and Demographics pages will be locked and unable to change. They can only be viewed as a reference.
This article describes how to add, edit and remove a mailing address from a Student Contact. Only Non-custodial contacts can be added by a school. Custodial Contacts will need to be added by PACE. Please create a ticket for this task. The Legacy Data on the Emergency Page and Demographics pages will be locked and unable to change. They can only be viewed as a reference.
This article describes how to add, edit and remove a phone number from a Student Contact. Only Non-custodial contacts can be added by a school. Custodial Contacts will need to be added by PACE. Please create a ticket for this task. The Legacy Data on the Emergency Page and Demographics pages will be locked and unable to change. They can only be viewed as a reference.
This article contains the download file for the new PowerSchool Student Contacts Module Orientation slides.