This article has been created to inform schools on the best practice of adding, updating or removing a student contact's email address in PowerSchool. Please select the following if you wish to skip to:
1. Add a new email address to a contact.
2. Update an existing email address to a contact.
3. Remove an email address from a contact.
1. Navigate to the Student Contacts Module.
Select the desired student via one of the search bars, using their name or student number. Once selected, go into the student page, and click Student Profile and then Contact Management.

2. Select Contact. This is the contact whose details you are updating. In this case, we selected the mother.

Adding a New Email Address
STEP 1. Scroll down to Email Addresses. Click the Add Email button.

STEP 2. Select Email Address type, enter email address and tick primary if applicable to the contact. Click the Submit button when complete.

STEP 3. The new email address has been added to the contact.

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Updating an Existing Email Address
STEP 1. Locate the email address you wish to update. Click the corresponding Pen button.

STEP 2. Update all details in the Edit Email Address form. Click the Submit button when complete.

STEP 3. The contact's email address has been updated.

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Removing an Email Address
STEP 1. Locate the email address you wish to remove. Click the Dash button.

STEP 2. When the Delete Email Address prompt pops up, click the Delete button.

STEP 3. The contact's email address has been removed.

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