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Here's the Search
What the search is asking PowerSchool
Address: All students living on a particular street
Mailing_Street contains Maple St@
Give me students whose street contains "Maple St" (e.g., Maple St, Maple Street)
Address: All students with Street name of Maple
Mailing_Street contains Maple
Give me students whose street contains “Maple” (e.g., Mapledell St, Maple Terr, etc.)
Birthday: Birthday is today
*Birthday = today
Give me all the students whose birthday is today
Birthday: Birthdays in October
*Birthday >09/30;*Birthday<11/01
Give me all the students whose birthday is after Sept 30 but before Nov 1st
Enrollment: Active Students who Entered after October I
Entrydate >= 10/01/2022
Give me students whose Entry date is greater than or equal to 10/1 and are still enrolled
Grade: All students in gr. K-5, not PreK
Grade_Level <6; Grade_Level >=0
Give me students in grades less than 6, and grades greater than or equal to kindergarten
Grade: All students in Gr. 9 and 10
Grade_Level in 9,10
Give me all students in grade levels 9 and 10
Grade: Students in Grade 7
Click 7 under search box
Give me all the students in Grade 7
Guardian: All students with Guardian Alert
Give me the students who has a guardian alert that is not blank
Medical: All students with Medical Alert
Give me the students who has a medical alert that is not blank
Name: All students with first name of John
First_Name = John
Give me the students with John as first name
Name: Last names starting with T
Click T under search box
Give me all the students with last name starting with 'T'
Name: Student named John Smith
Smith, John
Give me all the students named John as First Name and Smith as last
Parents: All students whose Father's Name is Smith
Father contains Smith
Give me the students whose Father's Name contains Smith
Parents: All students whose Mother's Name is Michele
Mother contains Michele
Give me the students whose Mother's Name contains Michele
Parents: All students whose Parent Guardian name starts with Maria
ParentGuardian = Maria@
Give me students whose Parent Guardian name starts With Maria
Phone: Students with a particular phone number
Home_Phone = @123-4567
Give me students who have this number and include those with area codes.
Schedule: Students with no schedule
Give me all the students who are not enrolled in a class