This article is intended for school administrators to find and correct their current SSDR reporting errors.
To view your school's SSDR error report, log into the Data Warehouse and follow the screenshots below. Then, make any necessary corrections in PowerSchool. Please see the instructional links below to make corrections in PowerSchool.
To view the report in the Data Warehouse in SPS Reports:

Data Validation > SSDR Audits

Download the Excel report. See the Instructions tab on the excel report for an explanation of each type of error.
Helpful instructions for resolution:
How to correctly report discipline in log entries
How to correct the fights with only one offender error
How to resolve discipline errors for students who have since transferred from your school
Resolving discipline reporting errors is the responsibility of the school at which the incident occurred
For assistance resolving SSDR errors, please enter a help desk ticket to the PowerSchool team HERE.