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    Teachers will need to activate the resources first before their students can gain access.

    Teachers will log into Schoology, and access the course where they want to use. They will click on the Scholastic Digital Manager App from within the course. This should take the teacher into Scholastic Digital Manager(SDM).
    Our Scholastic Customer Service team will be happy to add users needing district and or/school administrator access to the Scholastic Digital Manager.
    Accessing Nearpod two ways.
    Before you can start using Canva, you need to activate your account. Your students will also need to do this step before they can start using Canva in the classroom.
    Basic Instructions for Students on How to Use Canva
    Once students complete their assignment and submit it, you can check and grade them on Schoology.
    You can assign various assignments to the students by following these directions.