Since assignments are an important part of a student’s daily schedule, there are several locations in which to find them. As soon as you log into Schoology and see your courses you also see to the right an area called Upcoming. Upcoming shows students and parents all the upcoming calendar events, including assignments.
Any assignments shown the Upcoming Area of the page will be the ones with the soonest due date. Click on the title of any assignment to see the details.

The Upcoming area is also visible within in any student course. The events shown will be specific to that course.
Students and Parents can also access any assignments and upcoming events by clicking on the calendar
icon at the top of the page.
All assignments are also posted on the Materials page of a course. They will either be within a folder or directly on the main page.
How to Access an Assignment
1. Click on the title of the assignment (Note: all assignments will have this icon
next to the name of the assignment)
2. You will be taken to a page with the description of the assignment. Click on the My Documents tab.
3. If you have not already logged into OneDrive, you may be asked to do so. Enter your regular log in information (it is the same info that you type to sign into your school computer)
4. Once the document opens, click on Edit
5. A new tab will open. This is to allow for you to edit the original document in OneDrive.
6. If you need to close the document and return to it later, click on the In Progress tab to continue working on the assignment.
How to Submit an Assignment
1. Once you have completed working on an assignment and are ready to turn it in click Submit Assignment at the top of the document
2. You will be asked if you are sure. Click Yes, Submit to confirm
3. Once submitted you cannot edit the document
4. However, if the assignment was submitted by mistake you can click on the Unsubmit button (Note: This can only be done if the assignment is not passed due.)
Questions and Answers
Q: How will I know if it is an assignment?
A: All assignments that are not a discussion have this icon: 
Q: How with I know if the assignment is a discussion?
A: All discussion assignments will have this icon: