Grading a Student Attempt from the Course Gradebook

From the gradebook cell for the assessment attempt in the course gradebook, you can complete a number of grading functions:

  • Click the score and add a new one to overwrite the overall grade for the attempt. If you change this grade, the override is indicated by an orange pencil  in the lower-left corner.
  • Click the pencil to clear the override.
  • Click the puzzle piece icon  to view the student assessment submission.
  • Click the flag icon  to add an exception to the submission.

    Neither Excused nor Incomplete exceptions factor into the student's overall grade in Schoology. From a calculation perspective, marking a gradebook cell as Excused or Incomplete is the same as leaving it blank. Applying either does not penalize students or affect their overall grade.
    The Excused and Incomplete exceptions act as a visual reminder to the course admin that the student has either been excused or their submission is incomplete, to help avoid later confusion as to why that cell for that student is blank or unscored.

    Marking a cell as Missing, however, does penalize the student's grade. Giving a student a Missing is the calculation equivalent to giving the student a zero. Selecting the Missing exceptions also adds a zero score in the cell.
  • Click the Comment  icon to add a comment to the submission.
    Your comment saves automatically; click the x in the upper-right of the pop-up window to close the comment. You can also check the box to Display to Student (optional). The comment icon persists for any cell to which you’ve added a comment.

Comments and exceptions appear in the student grade report, which you can open from the Graph icon  to the right of the student's name. Comments for grading periods and the overall column also appear on student report cards unless you have selected the Hide overall grade from student reports and/or hide grading period grade from student reports check boxes in the course Grade Setup area.

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