EdPuzzle Directions and Troubleshooting

Edpuzzle is a freemium tool that we have set up within Schoology. You will need to create an account with Edpuzzle to use and then connect to Schoology. Once you have created your account you will be able to use the tool within Schoology.

To assign an Edpuzzle video lesson on Schoology:

  1. Go to “Courses” and choose the course you’d like to assign an edpuzzle for.  
  2. Click on “Materials.”
  3. In the “Add Materials” drop-down menu, select “Edpuzzle.”
  4. This will open a pop-up window showing your “My Content” on Edpuzzle.
  5. Select your video lesson (click on the eye icon in the middle of your video).
  6. Click the blue “Assign” button, which will return you to the “Materials” page.
  7. Now click on the gear icon to the right of the assignment you've just created and select "Edit."
  8. Check the “Enable Grading” box in the pop-up window, select a category for your grades (i.e. homework) and click the blue “Save Changes” button. You can optionally set a due date at this point. (Note: Do NOT have to enter the consumer key and shared secret!)
  9. Now your video lesson is ready for your students on Schoology! Your students will start to appear as they click on the assignment link.+



Here are some common issues that may come up as you're using the Edpuzzle integration with Schoology and how to solve them.

  • Linked classes. If you're teaching the same class to multiple sections/periods, you may be using linked classes on Schoology. Be aware that if you're viewing your students in Edpuzzle, they'll all appear in one large class rather than in your separate linked classes (however, your grades will be sorted correctly in Schoology, so don't worry).
  • Another side effect is that you should NOT use the dropdown menu in Schoology to click on your different sections, since all the students will appear in the same class (the first section listed). If you accidentally use the dropdown menu and click on another section, this will create a new class, which you'll need to delete by selecting "Class options" and "Delete class" or by going to Edpuzzle and deleting the section with no assignments.
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