The Comparative Results Report allows teachers, administrators, and other district staff to aggregate student results across multiple assessments and compare these results by standards and item attributes. It will also allow you to compare those results to the school as a whole, and to the district. Some questions this report can help you answer are:
- How well did my students perform on a specific standard?
- How well did my students perform on a specific item type? Item attribute?
- How well did a specific population of students perform on a standard/ item type?
- How well did my students perform compared to the cut levels set on the test?
- How well did my class perform compared with the school? With the district?
Accessing the Comparative Results Report
1) From the main navigation menu, choose Reports, then choose Comparative Results:

2) Choose a test. You can choose additional tests for comparison, but you need to select at least one test for results to appear
3) Make additional selections as needed
4) Choose specific standards. By default, all of the standards on the test are selected. You can also access data for item attributes including depth of knowledge, complexity, and subject.
5) Select Classes to compare data. A teacher must be selected before you can choose classes
6) Click Add Student Filter to set additional student filters to create a more specific data set for the comparative charts.
View Data Results:
Report data is organized into three tabs:

- Comparisons provides all the comparative data.
- Students lists students, their total score, and their scores for individual standards.
- Student Groups provides standard averages across subgroups.
The data in these tabs is respective of the applied filters and automatically updates according to changes made in the REFINE BY section.
For teachers, the Comparisons tab displays the students scheduled to your courses that have the same course type as the test. The Students tab displays all students to whom you have access who have results for the test, regardless of the student's assigned class (for example, students who are scheduled to your homeroom and was administered the test by a different Math teacher).
The Comparisons population reflects students you have scheduled for this type of test and their performance compared to the district. The Comparisons tab does not include students who are not scheduled to one of your classes for this particular subject area and course type.
If any of your students have results for a test administered by another teacher, choose from the Class filter for Comparisons, Students, or Student Subgroups to display only your scheduled student results.