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    The MCAS Student Kiosk is the student testing platform that has replaced TestNav. This document provides instructions on how to download the MCAS Student Kiosk from the Company Portal.
    Click anywhere on a student’s submitted attempt to open it for grading. Add scores in the box next to student response.
    Reviews how to find and access all of the options for a test in Performance Matters
    At the beginning of a new school year, Performance Matters moves all data from the previous year to an archive site. However, if a student answered questions on a test but did not submit, then their data is erased during the rollover. As a result, it is important to move any completed or near-completed tests to submitted at the end of the year to ensure accurate data. This guide walks you on how to do that through the “OLA Student Admin” page in Performance Matters
    Use Student Item Analysis to analyze a test by a student at the item level and compare class performance to school and district performance.
    Use the Comparative Results report to analyze students' performance on multiple assessments, and compare their results by standards and item attributes.
    How to access two reports that allow you to analyze student performance on specific standards