Often in Performance Matters you will need to find a specific test to make edits, to complete a scoring assignment, or to release the test to students. The fastest way to find a specific test is by accessing it through the test center. You can access this by following the steps below:
1) Log into Performance Matters. Remember you can access it through the "Waffle" in the upper right-hand corner of Schoology.
2) At the top menu select Tests and then select Test Center from the secondary menu. Here you will see a full list of assessments to which you have access. By default, only assessments with open test window will be shown, though you can show all tests by unselecting the "Limit to Open Test Window Options".
3) Use additional filters button or select an option from the course type, assessment category, or test grade level drop-down menus to narrow down the list of tests that are displayed. To locate specific test, you can type its name into the search box to filter the list of tests displayed.

Click on the test name to open the test or click on the ellipsis symbol from the Actions column to download the test, release the test, download the answer key, or to access the OLA Student Admin for that test.