The Student Item Analysis allows teachers, administrators, and other district staff to view a comprehensive view of a test with an item-by-item, student-by-student breakdown. Some questions this report can help you answer are:
• Which questions or standards did the students do well on?
• What are the areas of strength for my students? Weakness?
• Which questions did most students get incorrect?
• Was there a common incorrect response for troublesome questions?
• How did my students perform according to the performance bands?
• What were the overall results of the test?
• How did my class perform compared to the school? Compared to the district?
Access Student Item Analysis
1. From the main navigation menu, choose Reports, then Student Item Analysis
2. Choose a Test Title.
Filter Options
Click Additional Filters, then choose from the following options:
• Add Student Filter - Choose from the Student Filters to limit the student population. You can limit the students by demographic and/or geographic characteristics
• Active Filters - Indicates the filters that are currently applied.
Summary Charts
Along the top of the report you will see three options for displaying Summary Charts: Attributes, Performance Bands, and Item Detail.

Item Attributes
The Item Attributes tab includes the standards assessed on the test and the percentage of students in each performance band assigned to that assessment. Here are some of the ways you can interact with this report:
- Choose an attribute (standard) type to display a breakdown of the student percentage
- Hover over a standard to view the full standard description
- Click on a count to filter the results in the score table to only items with that attribute. Click again to clear the filter.
- The bars for % of Students are color-coded to match the test's performance bands. Hover over a section of the bar to see the count and percent details. Click on a section of the bar to filter the report by the students represented by that count for that attribute. Click again to remove the filter.
- Click a swatching box to include or exclude that performance band in the percentage value displayed in the column.
- A solid-filled box means the data for that color band is included. A partially filled box indicates data for that color band is excluded.
- The value is the student percentage for all selected performance bands for each attribute.
- Hover over an average to display the PE/PP (points earned / points possible).
The stacked bar graph displays the overall performance band percentages using the test's performance band colors.
For teachers, this graph includes comparisons across student, school, and district performance. School and district-level users can see these comparisons by setting the school of enrollment and teacher filters.
Performance Bands
1. Select the Performance Bands tab to view the student population percentage for each achievement level.
2. The stacked bar graph displays the overall performance band percentages using the test's performance band colors. Hover over a section to see details.
3. Select a section of the graph to filter the report by students in that performance band. Click the row again to clear the filter.
Item Detail
1. Select the Item Detail tab to view score or response distributions for individual test items, interactions, and rubrics.
2. Click the item number in the header.
Note: The icon is only available for multiple-choice interactions
The bar chart provides an overview of all possible response scores for the selected item, interaction, or rubric. The graph also provides comparisons across student, school, and district performance. For multiple-choice interactions, the interaction choice displays the answer choice distribution).
• Hover over a bar to see the count and percentage details.
• Click on a bar to filter the report by students represented by that score.
• Choose from the view selector to switch between item-level, interaction-level, or the rubric-level view.
Another chart displays the overall percentage of points earned over points possible for the selected item.
• Hover over the sections of the outer ring to view the total number of students who answered correctly or incorrectly.
• Hover over the inner ring to view item details.
Score Tables
Below the Summary Charts is the score table, which provides details on student responses for each question on the test. Along the top, there are three options:
- Interaction Scores: This displays the student's responses for multiple choice questions, and overall rubric scores for human-scored responses
- Item Scores: Displays the total number of points the students received for each item on the test
- Rubric Scores: Displays rubric scored items only, including what students received on that rubric
On all three score tables, hovering over the item number will provide information about that question, and clicking the
symbol next to the item number will bring you to that item. Under each item number, you can see the percentage of correct responses for that specific question, and you can use the
symbol to jump to the test statistics.
In these tables, you can also hover over any human-scored responses to see the student response to that specific question.