Aligning Materials with Standards in Schoology

As a teacher you can align standards to all materials in Schoology. Not every material type allows standards, but you can align them to Assignments, Assessments, Tests/Quizzes, Discussions, and Grade Columns. 

Whether you are using the state standards or Springfield Kindergarten standards the directions are the same. The difference for District Specific standards is they will be located under Custom Learning Objectives>School

Learning objectives can be aligned to materials within a course, Personal Resources, and Group Resources. When creating or editing a material, you will see an area near the bottom of the create/edit form that says Learning Objectives: 


Click Align to get started. This launches the alignment screen. District Specific standards is they will be located under Custom Learning Objectives>School if you are looking for State Standards it will be the last option on the first page.


You can select multiple learning objectives at once. You can even select learning objectives from different categories and align them all at once. Once you’ve selected all your learning objectives, click Add Learning Objectives.  This will align your selected learning objectives to the material. 


You can see the objectives you've selected as tags under the material in the course materials view, or under the align button when you edit the material. You can add or remove alignments at any time. 

Note: Be sure to use most recent framework when aligning course materials. E.g., use 2017 Mathematics framework when aligning math-related content; do no use 2004 or 2000 frameworks.  

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