How to Make an Annotation Assignment in Schoology

Annotation Assignments allow you to upload multiple types of documents into Schoology, and then have students annotate them in a wide variety of ways. The annotation assignments work with most document types, including PDs, Microsoft Word and PowerPoint, and multiple image formats.

Once assigned to a student, they will be assigned their own copy of the file you attached to the assignment. Students will be able to then underline, highlight, cross out, type, or draw on the document. Teachers can see the annotations done by students and add comments and a grade.

To start creating this type of assignment, first identify the location of the file on your computer. It can be useful to have a folder labeled "Files to Upload" to easily find files you want to upload.

Once you know the location of the file on your computer, log in to Schoology and navigate to the Materials page for your class. Once there, select the “Add Materials” button, and then select the “Add Assignment” Option.

Once in the “Add Assignment” menu, give the assignment a title and category. Optionally, you can also give the assignment a title a description and due date. Then, when you are ready to add the document, click the “Annotations Assignment” button.

This will open the file explorer on your computer. Navigate to the assignment you want to upload, select it, and then hit “Open”. You can then hit the “Create” button and your assignment will be created.

A file explorer with a worksheet to upload. The open button has an arrow pointing towards it.

Once you have created the assignment, students will be able to access and annotate their copy of the assignment on Schoology!