Create Rubrics
You can create a custom rubric in the Grade Setup area of a course, or you can create them directly from an assignment or graded discussion and save them in Grade Setup for reuse.
You may also create rubrics in your Resources and copy them to any course you administer, and you can copy individual rubrics between courses or to your Resources from the Grade Setup area of your courses.

You can add two types of criteria to a rubric:
- Custom criteria that you add and update manually.
- Criteria aligned to standardized learning objectives, such as Common Core or state standards.
To save a custom rubric to a course:
- Select Grade Setup in the left menu of the Course Page.
- In the upper-right corner of the page, click the Add menu in the Scales-Rubrics section and then select Rubric to open the Rubric Editor.
- Add a Rubric Title.
- To add custom criteria:
- Add titles and descriptions for each learning objective.
- To add additional rows of custom criteria, click +Criteria below the rubric.
- To add standards-aligned criteria:
- Click Align Learning Objective below the rubric.
- Click through the standards browser levels to each desired objective, or type keywords in the search box.
- When you reach the desired learning objective, click to highlight it, and then click Add Learning Objective to add it as a criteria.
To replace the rubric’s grading scale with a custom scale from your course, click Apply Grading Scale in the upper-right corner and then select the desired point-based scale from the menu.
Note: You can only apply point-based grading scales to rubrics. You cannot undo this action after completing it.
- Use the menu items on the upper left to close, expand, or hide the rubric.
- As you add rows and columns and adjust points scales, the total points available for the rubric update automatically in the Total Pts field.
- Click Create to complete.
Further customize your rubric
- To add additional columns to the scale, hover over the cell and click the + icon that appears to the left and right of each cell.
- To change the points and descriptions for individual grading scale levels, click into their respective fields, and add new ones.
- To remove a row or column, hover over the cell and click on the x icon that appears in the upper right.
- To reorder the rows, click on the double bars to the left and drag it to the appropriate location.
To create a rubric directly from a course discussion or assignment:
- Create the discussion or assignment, or click the gear icon to the right and select Edit in the menu to open an existing discussion or assignment.
- Open the Scale/Rubric menu and select Create New to open the Rubric Editor.
- Follow the above instructions to create a rubric, starting at step 4, to complete the rubric.
Adding Criteria, Learning Objectives, and Grading Scales to Rubrics

- The first two rows in the Criteria column are standards-aligned criteria. Click +Learning Objectives to add standards-based criteria to your rubric, and track your students' progress on these criteria in Mastery.
- The second two rows are custom criteria. Click +Criteria to create your own criteria to add to the rubric.
Alternatively, you may choose one of your grading scales from the menu to replace the rubric’s current grading scale. Click Apply Grading Scale in the upper-right corner of the rubric to apply your scale to your rubric.