How to Log into Schoology for Administrators

In order to use the full range of features as an administrator in Schoology, you will have two accounts: a teacher account and an admin account. Please note that in order to have access as an administrator in Schoology, you must first put in a ticket with the Digital Learning and Assessment Team, which you can do at the Schoology ticket page. 


Logging Into Schoology For the First Time

Once you have received your admin username and password from DLA, follow these instructions to log-in for the first time:

1. To first access Schoology you will have two options; you can type in into your URL bar and hit enter on your keyboard. If you are using Microsoft Edge, it should automatically log you in.  The second way is to go to the MySPS application page and select Schoology.

If you are not using your SPS (Springfield Public Schools) device, you will see this pop-up. You will need to enter your full email address and password. Once you have done this you will select Log-In 

Great! Now that we have logged into your Schoology account, the next step is to gain Admin access to your school. 

Linking Schoology School Administrator Accounts 

To have access to all the courses within your building, a few simple steps must be completed. You will only do this once and it will link your Administrator account with your personal Schoology account.  

Step 1: Sign into Schoology, you will select your name in the upper right-hand corner of the screen followed by Settings 

Step 2: You will Scroll down and select Link Accounts 

Step 3: Next you will need to enter the information requested on your screen. 

·         Your Username will have been sent to you after you placed the ticket requesting admin access. The standard admin account name formula is lastname + firstinitial + "admin" 

(For example: Billy Pilgrim would have the admin account username PilgrimBadmin)

·         Password: A temporary password will be sent to you when you fill out the request ticket

·         Select Your School: Springfield Public Schools #2633321169 

Step 4: Once you have entered the information, select Link Account

Now you have linked your teacher and administrator Schoology accounts! When you want to access admin features, click you name in the upper right hand corner of the screen and select your admin account name to switch to that account.                                            

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